Questions have been asked that are relevant to all of you so a post is in order!
We will have a vague supply system in place for the game, in general terms is it this: It's Good Practice to have open lines of communication from where you entered the map to your troops. If you don't have one for some period of time there can be in battle effects but, generally speaking, these effects would take place in the second and following battles as you do march with some supply of ammunition. It is possible to move the source of your supply to a different road network or even entrance point on the map, you'll have to ask for it, explain why its important to your higher ups that have to do the work, and it will then take some time to occur.
As stated below this campaign is not based on accuracy in any way so movement rates are flexible but, in general, you can think that it will take your army five days of constant marching on the best roads to cross the Demi-Bishophric. Using the eyeball test you can estimate how far that is and you should understand that's your "army speed" and detachments and cavalry can move faster than that if they need to.
Each "turn" will be a day, if nothing of note happens in a day we'll be moving through them quickly.
Asking for more stuff
You can ask for anything you like, you may or may not get what you ask for and you may or may not have to pay a price for exchanges or new toys but you can always ask.
Battalion Guns
Every battalion of line infantry, Grenadiers, and similar will have battalion guns at the start of the game. Light infantry units will not. If you have a question about specific units please let me know. If, during the course of the campaign, a battalion loses it's guns (see the rules):
1) if it loses the battle it loses it's guns for the duration.
2) if it is a draw AND after losses are returned the battalion is still below the "loss point" it losses it's guns for the duration.
In all other cases the battalion guns will be with the battalion at the start of the next battle.
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